Author School gives you the support, information, and inspiration you need
to navigate the world of writing - from pen to published!

Who is Author School for?

"I have an idea for a book but I don't know if it’s viable."
"My manuscript is almost done, but I don't know how to get in in front of publishers."
“I’ve heard about things like book proposals but don’t know what they are.”
“I just wish someone who knows the industry could give me a critique of my query letter.”
“I’m not sure if I should be pursuing agents or publishers—or both.”
"I'm wondering if I should try traditional publishing or go the self-publishing route." 

If you've ever said these things, Author School is for you!

If you want to get published but don't want to spend months or years of trying to figure out the system, Author School will get you ready to immediately jump into the fray with confidence and professionalism. No more asking all your friends for advice. No more surfing the internet for answers. It’s all in one place.

Click here to learn how to register.


What will you learn?

I. Getting Started as a Writer: Learn the mindset of a successful author.

II. The Disciplines of Writing: Get rid of excuses and train your muse. Make a plan, develop a schedule, and write your first draft.

III. Self-Editing for Excellence: Understand how to get good feedback and make revisions to your manuscript.

IV. Preparing to Publish: Decide whether you want to pursue traditional or self-publishing, and learn how to find an agent for your work.

V. Book Proposals: All about why you need a book proposal and how to write one!

VI. Query Letters: A query letter is the key that will open the door to agent representation and publishing. Rachelle will even critique your query letter after this session!

VII. Author Platform: Learn how to use podcasts, social media, and an author website to engage with your audience and promote your work.

VIII. The Writer's Life: Caring for the soul of a writer.

Click here for the Author School website.

Let's Work Together!

As an agent, I partner with authors to get their books to the right publishers and build a satisfying writing career.