We represent books across the publishing landscape including those for the Christian market, and we are accepting queries except in July and December.

Please submit your queries via Query Manager HERE.

  • We're CLOSED to queries during the month of July, and from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day every year.
  • We only accept queries via Query Manager.
  • Read “What We're Looking For” below to see if we will consider your project.
  • You don't need to direct your query to a specific agent, but if you want, you can mention your preferred agent's name in your synopsis.

To have your project considered for agency representation, it’s important that you do two things:

  • Make sure you know if your project fits into what we're looking for, and
  • Read and follow our submission guidelines.

We respond to all queries, so you will hear back from someone on our team as soon as possible. Thank you, in advance, for your patience. If you haven't heard from us in 30 days, your query may have fallen through the cracks so feel free to reach out again.

We represent books across the publishing landscape and we are accepting queries.

Please note:
Read Submission Guidelines before sending a query!

Query policy:
If you follow the guidelines and send the query through Query Manager, you'll receive an automated response so you'll know we received it. We respond to all queries, so you will hear back from someone on our team as soon as possible. If you haven't heard from us in 30 days, your query may have fallen through the cracks so feel free to reach out again.


What we're looking for:

Non Fiction:

If you're writing nonfiction, we can't sell it unless you have a platform. If you don't, you may want to pursue smaller publishers on your own — you don't need an agent. Only pursue an agent if you have a platform and want to submit to the medium and large publishers.

  • SME's (subject matter experts) on any topic!
  • Interesting historical topics
  • Mind-body-spirit
  • Psychology and self-help
  • Racial issues, LGBTQ+ issues, and all social issues
  • Behind-the-scenes in any profession or walk of life
  • Cultural criticism
  • Faith related
  • Feminism and women's issues
  • Memoir
  • Hearth & home, gardening, sustainable living
  • Marriage, parenting, family
  • Travel (including memoir, with a strong platform)
  • Art/faith topics (art history, intersection of art and faith, creativity, photography)
  • Deeper spirituality and prayer
  • Thoughtful nonfiction on just about any topic. Show us what you've got!

Adult Fiction: 

  • Full-length: 75,000 to 100,000 words.
  • Contemporary women's fiction
  • Romance and rom-com 
  • Suspense or romantic suspense
  • Historical or historical romance
  • Southern fiction
  • Thrillers, esp psychological or medical
  • NOT looking at fantasy, sci-fi, or literary fiction

YA Fiction:

  • We are not currently looking at YA fiction.

Gift books:

  • Journals, guided journals, gifty devotionals
  • Other gift-type books for occasions such as graduation


  • NO children's, middle grade, or YA.

What are we NOT looking at?

  • Cookbooks
  • Poetry
  • Short stories
  • Novellas
  • Screenplays
  • Graphic novels
  • Children's & YA

See our Submission Guidelines for more info.

Submit your query via Query Manager here.  We're CLOSED to queries during the month of July, and from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day every year.

Before clicking into Query Manager, be prepared with:

  1. A synopsis or "back cover copy"
  2. The first 5 pages of your book, ready to copy and paste
  3. A one-sentence pitch for your book
  4. A few comp titles
  • Please remember this is your first writing sample and it may be your only chance to WOW us… so write your query accordingly. There are numerous books, websites, and blogs on how to write great queries (including here on our website).
  • If we are interested in your project, we’ll respond by requesting a proposal or a full manuscript. You will be expected to send it via email in a single Word attachment.
  • We DO accept simultaneous submissions.


  • We do not take unsolicited pitches by phone.
  • No snail mail queries. Query Manager submissions only.
  • We're CLOSED to queries during the month of July, and from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day every year.

There is copious information on this site to help you prepare query letters and book proposals. Please go to the Resources page (Your Path to Publishing) to find the information you need.

Thanks for visiting our site!

How to Write a Query Letter

This guide includes everything you need to know about creating a professional query letter.

How to Write a Book Proposal

This guide includes everything you need to know about crafting the perfect book proposal.