Discussing Authors and Privacy
I’m blogging at Books & Such today. We’re talking about privacy when it comes to authors. Is privacy possible?
Here’s a snippet:
I’ve been talking with a potential client—a staggeringly talented writer and thinker—about her goals and her writing career. At a certain point, we got caught up on a particular issue that had nothing to do with her books or her writing: privacy.
The author writes her blog using initials, rather than her name. She uses an avatar and avoids posting any real photos of herself. She doesn’t reveal personal details in her writing. She hoped to continue in this vein as she entered publishing.
We talked about her desire for privacy, and the need to keep her family safe. And we talked about the fact that she works for an international ministry and wants to maintain a separation between her work and what she writes publicly.
I told her I understood all of that, but I would have a hard time getting her published—and indeed, I think her blog will have a hard time growing up to its potential—until she finds a way to be a real person on social media.
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