New for 2009…
Hey everyone, I’m now on Twitter. Click here to follow me. My Twitter updates will also be on the sidebar of this blog. Because I KNOW y’all want to know what I had for breakfast and when I’m going to scrub my toilet.
AND because I just couldn’t figure out what the heck to do with all the spare time I have everyday.
Please come join me on Twitter!
>I just stumbled across your blog and look forward to following you on Twitter.
I did one tweet, then twittered out. It is too consuming, telling the world your every move. The only time I found it helpful was when our kids were travelling from 12 hours away, and my son-in-law twittered at rest stops along the way, so we could track their progress.
Love the new blog look- very classy. Jeanette
>I am thinking of changing my genre, too. And my hair color. And my weight. I’m just sayin’. I’ll Tweet all about it, no doubt….. 🙂
>I think Twitter is a great idea for you, just as long as you let everyone know exactly when you’re going to the bathroom and what stall you’re in so they can slide that manuscript under the door for ya.
I’m seriously thinking of changing my genre for the new year. I think I can write humor. Really. Or…what about a humorous suspenseful chick literary with strong threads of women’s fiction?
I’m still undecided about Twitter, but (like eating black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day for luck), I’ve been afraid not to. One nice thing is that you can set your “tweets” to be posted on your Facebook space, so it’s a “two-fer” of sorts.
I’m off to click the button that lets me follow you. Just remember, now the eyes of America are on your every move. Heh, heh, heh.
>What exactly is this “Twitter” thing?
It kinda sounds like hyperactive blogging to me – but, hey, what do I know, admittedly not much about tweeting, twittering, or tweety (unless we’re talking about the little yellow cartoon bird – then I’m all over it).
>Hey Rachelle, love the new look but I think I’m biased because blue is my favorite color.
I finally started using FaceBook a couple months ago. My family is spread halfway across the country and it’s amazing how close we’ve now become.
I haven’t considered Twitter because I can’t comprehend it yet. All those tweets. So much to read. Maybe you’ll do a post on it in a month and let us know how you really feel, eh?
>I keep hearing about this Twitter thing. I know I’m going to get sucked in sooner or later, but I’m putting it off. I already don’t have enough time for the things I do.
Although, to be honest, the lure of knowing when you’re going to clean your toilet is tipping the scales in the Twitting direction for sure, Rachelle!
🙂 Happy New Year!
>yeah. Tweeting will give you something to do as you lounge around, Rachelle. I love following Twitter, so count me in.
>You’ll be tweeting along in no time, Rachelle. It’s way too easy and only 140 characters, you find out who can write tight!
I love the new look for the blog. Really nice. Love the focus of this blog. I haven’t read The Guernsey Literary/Potato Peel Pie book, but will give it a try since so many have mentioned it. Thanks!
>I’m not on Twitter, but I just read the Guernsey book too and it was marvellous. So charming and so much fun.