New Release Spotlight: Amy Betters-Midtvedt
Happy Release Day, author Amy Betters-Midtvedt!
In her debut book, You’ll Make It (and They Will Too), seasoned educator, mother, and Today Parenting contributor Amy Betters-Midtvedt offers a lifeline of hope for parents of teens who feel adrift on the real and raw parenting journey. Presented with wisdom and faith—and a touch of candid humor—it’s as much about navigating the minefields of anxiety and mental health as it is setting curfews, convincing kids to bring their dishes back to the kitchen, and deciding whose turn it is to have the car keys. . . and leaves you with a sense of profound hope and joy as your teens launch into their own adult lives.
“Parenting teens doesn’t come with a manual, but this book comes as close to one as I’ve ever read.” —New York Times bestselling author Rachel Macy Stafford
Congratulations, Amy!