Q4U: The Most Important Question

Who will be in the Top 3 of American Idol? Give us your prediction!
My daughters and I had a hard time coming to a consensus, but here is our guess:
Adam, Allison, and Danny.
However, I absolutely love Alexis. I’m thinking she might be in the top three. But who would she replace? Danny? Hmm, hard to say.
Also feel free to tell us: Who do you WANT to be in the top three?
Have a good weekend!
Fantastic blog post, saw on…
>I like Adam, Allison and Danny. I think they would be an awesome top 3. But Kris and Matt were awesome last night. They just might sneak up from behind and surprise everyone…
>I think the top 3 will be Adam, Danny, and Lil.
I want the top 3 to be Allison, Danny, and Scott.
I love Anoop but he has no chance at winning. I hope he’ll be around for awhile though.
>The dark haired guy with style and a KILLER voice. The guy rocks the house!I could watch him for two hours, no problem. Adam?)
>I agree with Robin: Adam, Lil, and Danny.
>Allison, Alexis, Adam. I think one of the girls will win – I get more of an underdog vibe from them, dawg. 🙂 But Adam is cool. Did you guys know he was in Wicked? Go Fiyero!
>Since Scott and I go to Church together I want him all the way. Actually I want him to win because he is truly an incredible musician, a gifted, godly man.
>I say Danny, Alexis, Adam … in that order.
Sorry, but I don’t “buy” Adam. Elvis, he ain’t.
>Adam to win–Elvis all over
Danny to place
Lil to show
>Uhh I like the guy that sang the Michael Jackson song (not only this week but last week too)…Can’t remember his name. The one Simon said shoudn’t have brought his wife out so early.
Allison and err, uh Adam. (I guess)
All three of them because they didn’t make me want to turn the channel. I don’t like Michael Jackson’s music too much.
>It’s really hard to say so early. I think I’d go for Danny, Adam, and Alexis. They entertain me the most.
>Danny and Matt are my favorites. Loved Danny from first audition and Matt is a local boy with amazing piano and vocal skills.
I think Alexis is on the way up, and Allison is on the way down as far as “star quality”.
(My 5th grade choir kids willingly give up recess to come to my music room and play American Idol. No Simon and no one gets voted off–only positive remarks allowed. We have a Ryan Seacrest who makes up a story about each child before he or she sings. The stories are HILARIOUS, but the kids take the singing seriously–and since it’s a ‘game’, they don’t realize how much they’re learning about singing. Awesome fun stuff. 🙂
>Allison for the WIN!
Any sixteen year old who can hit every single note in an Annie Wilson sing had nowhere to go but UP!
>Here's my pick for top three: Adam, Danny & Scott.
Why? Adam and Danny are obvious to me. I love them both and they're crazy good. To use Kara's word, they're ridiculous.
The third one was harder to pin down. I love both Allison and Megan, but I don't think either one of them will make it to the end. Megan probably confuses a lot of people (she looks so girl-next-door, but then there's that big tattoo…) and Allison runs the risk of sounding the same week after week.
I pick Scott for third place because he does connect with the audience. If he can play the piano and sing every week, I think he's got a good chance to make it into the top three.
>I’m just so glad to be rid of that annoying Tatiana, I almost don’t care who wins!
My faves are Danny and Scott–who could vote off a sweet blind guy? I’m not an Adam fan, but he does have the stuff to win.
Predictons for top 3: Adam, Danny, Lil Rounds. Adam will win.
>I’ll be the voice for the three people in the country who haven’t watched a single episode of Idol this season. Just to let you and the world know that we’re here. So, I can honestly say I have no interest in who will make the top three or win. It’s actually quite liberating. 🙂
>I’m predicting Megan will go the way of Brooke. I also think Allison will not make it to the top 3. She’s very young, which explains her discomfort during all the times she’s NOT singing. Those times might take her down! I agree that Lil will make it in the business, regardless, and I predict she will be stepping up in a big way in the coming weeks—a force.
Top Three? Danny, Alexis, and Adam. I will go out on a limb and say it will come down to Danny and Alexis.
>Danny by a LANDSLIDE will probably win. But for the top three I’m torn between him, Adam, Alexis, Matt and Allison. They are all very good.
>Top Three:
Adam – Hands down, the best performer
Danny – How could you not like him? (as long as he doesn’t dance)
Alexis – Great vocals, great personality, great performance the other night.
Allison – Amazing voice for 16, but doesn’t have the presence on stage or off.
Megan – I love her. She is beautiful, quirky, fun. She doesn’t have strong enough vocals and Rockin Robin probably did her in.
Lil – She doesn’t need to win. She will do great no matter what. She has already established herself.
Of course I am too busy writing to actually watch Idol. I just got this 2nd hand.
>Adam, Alison, and Lil. :p
>I’m with you… I’d like to see Danny, Adam, and Allison in the top three… not sure yet who I’d like to see win it all.
>I think you’ve got it right unless the judges use their special new save rule and bring back Tatiana in which case she will sweep the competition
…and I’ll get a book deal.
Best weekend to everyone
>My picks are: Adam, Lil, and Danny.
>Adam won’t make final 3 – his fan base will cave. Plug in Alexis or Lil – also, it’s time for a girl to win – they seem to alternate year to year.
>I’m thinking Adam, Scott and Alexis. I went to itunes yesterday and downloaded some of their songs. Can you tell how far gone I am?
>I’d love to see Adam, Alexis, and Danny for the final three, but I also really like Megan.
Not an Allison fan– girl can sing, but AWKWARD. Wow, does she give an annoying live interview. I don’t hate her or anything, but I like Alexis and Megan far more.
>I’m all about the guys this year!
In order of preference, based on their performances so far:
1) Adam
2) Danny
3) Kris
I have to say that personality does play a part in my selection. Is this wrong? Should we base our judgment on talent alone? Not sure if I could. ^_^
>Adam & Danny are crazy talented so those two for sure. I'm hoping Lil will be the third one.
>LOVE Adam & Danny! Also the tiny blond girl who looks like a young, skinny Dolly Parton is great.
Has anyone watched Dragon's Den on BBC? Now THAT reminds me of submitting to editors/pubs and agents: What one likes, the others will hate–or it's unanimous either way. Just imagine a panel of mean agents or publishers, and you have Dragon's Den! (Not you, Rachelle)
>Chatty Kelly’s comment got me thinking: American Idol Haiku Contest. What do you think? Could be a good laugh.
>Top two – Adam and Danny!!!
Allison is next on my list.
I could listen to Matt anytime, especially when he’s on the piano.
Lil Rounds is good, though her last song wasn’t that great. She’ll market well, though. So, no matter what happens on this show, she’s going places.
Adam? Excellent performer,fabulous singer, but, hmm… ‘Nough said.
But all in all, I think you’re right on the money with your picks, Rachelle.
IMHO, the top two will be Adam and Danny.
>Top three in our house are:
Adam, Danny . . . Lil or Matt. I think it’s going to be a pretty good/tough competition this year. Fun topic!
>Oh, Danny boy….Sing it with me now! I love him. Not just his singing and his crazy dancing, but HIM.
Adam is fantastic and I like him a lot, but “endearing” means a lot to me.
Now, David Cook, HE was endearing!!!
>It will be interesting to see who gets this right.
>It’s tough. Great singers this year. I hope for Allison, Lil Rounds and Danny.
BUT, I really like Megan….Gosh, I’m torn.
Have a great weekend.
>I think the Top 3 will be Simon, Randy and Kara, and that Paula will be voted off.
Wait, you were talking about the judges right?
**off topic** My 5 yr old got a new book – DogKu by Andrew Clement. I thought of you, it is all Haiku. It is so cute. I know how you love the Haiku, and your Scully haiku (Twitter) made me laugh out loud! Have a great weekend.
>I won’t make my prediction until the top ten. LOL But I think your daughters are right. Those are the ones on my list right now!
>I just watched my first episode of this season… but here are my pics – Adam, Danny, Matt
>My picks are Alexis, Allison and my boyfriend (aka Kris)
>For me this year is SO clear cut…
If Adam doesn’t win… well… I LOVE Adam, so what can I say!
But… I LOVE me some Allison too… girl just has to learn to keep her mouth shut on stage haha!
I like Danny a lot… but for me he is the one out of the three I could go without.
But yeah, unless America screws it up with their voting at some point.
Then Adam, Allison, Danny
(The judges can’t save all three ya know.)