Wishing I Didn’t Love Krispy Kremes
If you’ve been reading this blog long, you might know that I love reading memoirs. I almost always have one (or more) on my nightstand. I recently finished Lit by Mary Karr, Leaving Church by Barbara Brown Taylor, and She Got Up Off the Couch by Haven Kimmel. Love ’em. Can’t get enough.
So imagine how much I loved it when I came across a website that features Six Word Memoirs. It’s a part of Smith Magazine, an online “place for storytelling, with a focus on personal narrative.” It’s a cool website. Check it out here.
Of course that got me thinking… wouldn’t it be fun to do Six Word Memoirs here on the blog? I’m game if you are. (Mine’s the title of this post.)
Put your six word memoir in the comments. Let’s get to know each other, six words at a time.
Have a good weekend!
I guess that to receive the personal loans from banks you ought to have a good motivation. Nevertheless, one time I have received a small business loan, because I wanted to buy a building.
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[…]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If youâre new to this site[…]⊅
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[…]The information mentioned in the article are some of the best available […]⊅
>A Recovered (Almost) Junk Food Junkie
>Broken heart, in anguish forever.
>my dog sings prettier than me
>Wouldn't listen. Married anyway. Now divorced.
>My work is not yet done.
>Hi Rachelle,
This is Alyssa from SMITH Magazine, and I wanted to thank you for mentioning our six-word memoir project! I'd also like to invite your community to join us at sixwordmemoirs.com to submit their memoirs–they'll be instantly published to the website and then have the chance to be featured by the editors in a blog post or an upcoming book.
Thanks much,
Alyssa, SMITH Intern
>Cranky lapsed Christian writing bloody novels.
(I'm not cranky ALL the time, but let's not quibble about that, huh? Yeah. That's what I thought.)
>Wrangling my life sentence by sentence.
>Letting it come as it will.
>Next life: I'll be a dancer.
>Coffee on porch, peace in heart.
>I am defined by my children.
>This is where you were going.
>Poor child, always failing. Still happy.
>Called to write; I think?
>Loving history, living now, happily hoping…
>Now I obsessively count the words.
-Larry Smith, editor SMITHmag.net
p.s. These six-worders in the comments are awesome. If any of Rachelle's friends & fans want to also post your six words over at smithmag.net/sixwords, I'd love that, and you'll be considered for a future Six-Word Memoir book.
>I can't believe I said that
>Shaken, Not Stirred… a Chemo Cocktail.
>Cancer is a bitch; God is good.
>Someone get me off the computer
>making sense of here and now
>Searched and searched. Finally found me.
>Traveling through life in alphabetical order.
>Work-in-progress with many works in progress.
>Ran sixteen miles in the rain.
>Constantly dreaming of being somewhere else.
>Or, rather:
I wanted to. Then I did.
>She wanted to. Then she did.
>Motherhood turned me into a writer.
>All I neeed but want more…
>I just wanted to be happy.
My real treasure is my daughter.
I've come too far. Going further.
>From Beggar to People Polisher
>A mother at last. What's next?
>Welcome back, Kotter meets Judy Blume.
>making sweet lemonade is The Way.
>Going to query super agent Rachelle!
I'm so glad you posted about six-word memoirs. I've been a fan for years and am published in Smith's newest book, IT ALL CHANGED IN AN INSTANT. It contains sixes from many celebrities and famous writers like Amy Tan, Dave Barry and the late Frank McCourt.
I'd send you a book but know that's a no-no prior to querying.
Smith received 200,000 submissions worldwide and chose about 1,000 for their newest release.
AND…Ernest Hemingway started the whole craze. His six-word memoir was For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.
>Underdog champion craving chocolate and harmony.
>Irreverent rebel, enlightened, becomes rebellious Reverend.
>Require ocean, animals, writing, solitude, sky.
>Wild woman writer with worn wardrobe.
>If to be, up to me.
>Indian by birth; worldcitizen by choice.
>does anyone see under the surface
>Trying to write the final chapter!
>Girl at fifty finds her calling!
>Same age as my library card!
>High concept in an old body.
>Dreamer. Just want to write/travel.
>Grateful "Should I?" became "I did!"
>Mine is titled: Drawer Full of Bikinis
Throw them out? Diet and exercise?
>Next life chapter I'm an author.
>Trapped in Hazaard County: escape imminent.
>Find your theme, sing your truth.
>Boys! Hush!I'm writing my book!
>Not until I have my coffee!
>She sipped her coffee . . . and remembered.
>I wonder where that path goes
>Dancing until my feet break off
>Unpublished madwoman; published eccentric.
Louise Curtis
>Dead life. Born again. What now.
>Met, loved, lost her; so sad
>found your blog, decided to play
>helping others help themselves is satisfying.
the character therapist
>through stained glass, a naked amnesiac
>No scorpion under my pillow tonight.
>High on life of writing,painting, animals, friends.
Lucky me!
>Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause
>So loving round two of life!
>Despite The Scent of Yuppie Desperation
>An only child of alcoholic parents
>Pebble by pebble, shoring the wall.
>Mom who can't put Blackberry down đ
>Walking frayed tightrope; monsters, art, God.
>Eat Pray Love, (write write write).
Haven't read it; love the title.
>Dreamer or realist? Life's balancing act.
>After I posted my last one, I thought it sounded kind of whiny. So here's my not-so-whiny one:
Long day: sing.
Long night: pray.
>Loving my kids; needing a career.
>Didn't plan to write, life happens.
>Waiting to feel that thrill again.
>Always waiting for her in Tuscany.
>Longing to walk along Assateague's shore
>The voices don't hog the covers.
>Banning marble cake for its ambivalence
– Jennifer Swan
>I will go back home someday
>I'm blonde, deaf, but not dumb.
>Found the courage to finally write.
>Is it June yet? Always counting.
>The me you see isn't me.
>Waiting for something. Meanwhile, still writing.
>I love food but can't cook.
>Living life large: happy but sleepless.
>Living life, loving life, now broke.
>Role-playing doesn't pay student loans.
>Encouraging you amidst life's chaos.
>Leading beyond abilities requires great faith!
>In the end, only kindness matters.
>Never thought it'd be like this.
>Children Wanted. Russia Traveled. Sisters Found.
>Baby sleeps, baby laughs, baby cries.
>Must meet my word count goal!
>discovering a recovering perfectionist's lost dreams
>Chicken died, so left the farm.
>Struggling, writing, bringing the dreamer back.
>Always get distracted from what's important.
>The ramblings are who I am.
>Just finished Julie Andrews memoir, Home. I love her!
Got wine? Then I'll be fine! đ
>Wondering when I'll get it together.
>Normality is weird for weird people.
>I wanted to write. That's it.
>forty years as an alien(ated)
>Young dreams. Came true. More coming.
>Awesome, universal dividend–
Redemption Everlasting–Yahweh
>Wait, maybe one more edit! Please?
>This is my final revision, really!
>Happy I found myself in college
>Praying this query is a seller…
>New decade, new career, times four.
>I'll get right back to you!
>It's good to finally be Home!
>Seeking accordion players from many lands.
Have you ever seen the Washington Post's Life is Short: Auto-biography as Haiku? It runs on Sundays in the Style section. Though the entries aren't real haiku (glimpses of life at 100 words or less), they are really, really fun.
When I lived in Northern Virginia, I probably subbed a dozen or so entries. Mine were never published, but no matter! I believe the Post even sells books of previous Shorts. Look into it!
>I've only learned Regency era skills.
>One day the editing will end.
>Had a jelly doughnut. End of.
>Loving life, thanking God, looking ahead.
>Caution: Contents Fragile, Handle With Care
>Tenacious, Lion-Chasing, Truth-Seeking, Survivor.
>I prefer the longer haiku form.
>Frustrated at life, moment by moment.
>Live, play, grow, work, think, do.
Patty Blount's memoir.
>Always the ever unpopular social butterfly.
>Life is not a spectator sport.
>In love with God's beautiful world.
>Needs to be two of me.
>Wet wings and waiting to fly.
>Formerly homeless, drug addicted stripper…redeemed.
>Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence (also happens to be my brand of the moment)
>Loving the life inside my head.
>Alligators and Pollywogs, Zinnias and Me
>Happy, hopeful, loving, and still writing.
>Dreamer who dared to believe God.
>Disowned dissident dependent on distant dynamism.
>Dreaming for wait to come true.
>About to become Happiest Grandma Ever.
>"The Moms" are still alive. Questions?
>Caledonia's been everything I've ever had.
>Writer by day, geek by night.
>Dream chaser caught in mortal reality.
>Bowing my heart to follow Christ.
>Sleep sounds nice. So does coffee.
>(This is not original, but it says what I want to say…)
This earth is not my home.
>Gypsy writer bitten by small shark.
>Will write for salsa and chips.
>@pattyblount Love that one!
>Patiently waiting for all my dreams.
>Working in cubicle. Dreaming in 3D.
>This was a free country … once.
>Wanted more happy endings; wrote them!
>Flavored coffees are my life blood.
>Motherless girl now a mother. Joy.
>Bottom to top; over and over.
>Sitting with books, pen, and draft.
>My way, His way, still following.
>Cake, coffee, music, writing, reading, people
>Get your butt in the chair!
>Took me 50 years to write.
>Workaholic saved by mountains and writing.
>Ooops… used too many words. Change that to: Was free, now Gracie owns me.
>Connected the dots, and the people.
>skip dessert and have more wine
>Once was free, now Gracie owns me.
>Assignment too hard. Must have donut.
>Keep on writing; revenge over detractors.
>If they laugh, I am happy.
>Others will read my neuroses. Judgment.
>Tried, failed, redeemed, amazed, blessed, empowered.
>knocked down, need to get up
>Fighting OCD each and every day.
>Married a geek; had kids; wrote.
>Slow motion in a rushed world.
>I write; I edit; I am.
>Born to sin; redeemed by blood.
>I thought I had another week.
>Jobless in Jersey but writing novel!
>I love this and will be thinking about it all day.
Dear God, Make Me a Bird
~ Wendy
>Nursing a broken heart–it sucks…
>drats. i thought you were going to write on the extreme power of the HOT krispy kreme, those manna-from-heaven creations that do not require teeth to eat but, rather, ooze with molten goodness down one's throat.
(how my wife and daughter can prefer dunkin donuts is a mystery i can only explain by some weird gene pool mishap)
but i digress. (it's your fault, though)
"God has a sense of humor"
>Using God's gifts to the fullest!
>Dreamers never really go to sleep…
>Scared but ready for something BIG.
>Failed law school, writing new ending.
>long trip right back to beginning
>Three book deal. Two drink minimum.
>God's plan was better than mine.
>Elastic apron strings stretch to Germany
>I wish I was a pirate
>Anxiety is my middle name only.
>Lost home, found internet, boots on.
>Geese fly, flowers dance, morning smiles.
>Easily distracted by the…Ooo! shiny!
>Don't know where to start.
>Chocolate and laptops make me happy.
>Craving more hours in the day.
>I am always getting back up.
>Homesick for everywhere I've ever been.
>All my friends are having babies.
>Only God could do those things
>Loitering, day dreaming, flirting with ambition.
>Loving Life And Working for God
>listening. moving to the Holy Spirit.
>Wasted some time, now working hard.
>Positive people need a smack down. đ
>In awe of being beyond blessed.
>struggling to find six good words…
>Believing in universe conspiring to make it happen…
>Running a muck on daily basis.
Laughter is my life line!