How to Impress an Agent
There’s a new writer blog in town, The Write Life, and I’ll be posting there occasionally. Today my topic is 13 Ways to Impress a Literary Agent. Click over to read!
Here is an overview of The Write Life blog:
We understand that integrating writing into your life is about more than sitting down to write, whether you’re trying to make a living or find time to practice as a hobby. Succeeding as a writer in today’s digital world takes so much more: figuring out how to work with clients, navigating the changing landscape of traditional publishing, learning the ins and outs of social media, growing a following for your blog and finding a community that will support you along the way.
Each of these components will help you move toward a big goal so many of us dream of: making a living as a writer.
That’s why we created The Write Life — to help writers create, connect and earn.
The posts you read here aren’t from one “guru,” because no one writer can be an expert in all the challenges of the modern writing world. Instead, we offer voices from throughout the community, featuring contributors who specialize in ebook promotion, blogging, finding an agent, and more. We give writers with experience and knowledge a place to share what they’ve learned, so we can all keep moving forward.
Right now if you sign up for The Write Life newsletter, you’ll receive a free ebook of How to Land Your First Paying Client.
Happy reading!
Thanks very much for this Rachel. There are some real gems here. I have bookmarked the site and will be returning here on a regular basis.
It’s a brilliant post, Rachelle. I’m bookmarking it. Thank you.
Thanks. I have saved this post on Pocket so I can come back to it again and remember the valuable tips when I start pitching my second novel 🙂
[…] On Agents From Books & Such: Let Your Agent Be the Bad Guy by Rachelle Gardner AND Query Letters: Why request? Why reject? by Rachel Kent From Rachelle Gardner: How to Impress an Agent […]
Thanks for this, Rachelle! And for an awesome submission! It’s getting some great comments.