In Which I am Interviewed by Michael Hyatt
Instead of posting here today, I’m sending you to another blog. Michael Hyatt interviewed me via Skype and the video is up on his blog today.
Visit Michael Hyatt’s blog by clicking here.
In the interview, Michael and I discussed advice for new authors looking for an agent, common mistakes new authors make in approaching agents, the importance of a formal book proposal, why authors should still consider publishing with a traditional publisher… and more.
Drop by and tell him I sent you!
E Anderson Consulting, Yorkshire, are a leading United Kingdom based company that focuses on Bid/Tender Writing and PQQ Writing for some of the major organisations in the world.
Wonderful interview. Thanks.
Rachelle: Thank you for the time you take to share what you know with others. In this changing world, having manuscripts to move is so challenging, especially for those of us who have gone from journalism to fiction. As a reader of dictionaries as a child, reading has been a fulfilling journey. Books take us places we want to go when we read, but as authors the trip can be a whole lot more exciting and difficult. Thanks.
So enjoyed watching this interview! Having gone through the self-publishing process, I think your analogy to being a general contractor is PERFECT. I learned a great deal, but some of what I’ve learned I would have preferred to never know! Having an agent and traditional publisher is definitely still my goal. It would be a lot more fun to be part of team that was working to polish and promote the book!
Great interview! I subscribe to both sites and was thrilled when I saw that he was interviewing you! Thanks for some great advice…really liked the comparison of self-publishing to building a house. Really makes sense for trying to figure out if self-publishing is the right way to go. Each person is different and it all depends on how much you want to do it yourself. =)
Finally got it to work for me. Hurray!
I sure can identify with your comments on making the mental leap from writer to published author, Rachelle. It’s a scary journey.
Off to do more homework on proposals.
I would really like to see this, but sadly, it doesn’t seem to be working today. I’ll try later in the week and hope it’s running then.
Thank you. I’ve forwarded this to many aspiring authors seeking an agent/publisher. You have neatly encapsulated the first steps in the quest.
Great interview, Rachelle. Much of it spoke to me, but the thing that opened my eyes was looking at the proposal as a business plan. It makes so much more sense to me now! Thanks, again, for sharing your wisdom!
Great interview, Michael and Rachelle!
Thanks for the honest and direct questions and answers.
Fantastic info delivered in a very personal, relaxed format. Loved the DIY analogy as well, so helpful for those on both sides of the fence.
I am following your blog for some time now and it has become a daily read, although this is the first time I’m leaving my comment here. It was a helpful interview for anyone who is yet unpublished, like me, writing the query letter for a finished novel. However, I cannot help but feel the presence of two opposing sides of the publishing industry. The writer who is the cornerstone, if you will, of creativity and conviction that his message will change the lives of others in whatever way it may be. And the business aspect of the equation that is the publisher who is all business. Period. This is definitely the place where the creativity meets the reality, face to face.
On a side note, it’s late in the day and I’m surprised there are only fifteen comments so far.
Wonderful interview. That look at the book proposal made the concept finally make sense to me. I’m getting very close to the point where putting the proposal together is the next step.
Is there a transcript anywhere?
Research research research – sometimes can be conflicting. Yet, you are one agent that I hold in high regard, and have benefited from your blog. Thank you! Nice interview – I especially liked your take on a writer’s platform.
Hi Rachelle,
Thanks for the link. Good stuff! Three years into reading your blog and I never rhymed you with Michelle. Re-setting the internal pronouncer now to make sure I say your name right if ever we meet.
I was married to my general contractor, and know how much much of a Do-it-Yourselfer I am NOT, which brings me back to point number one and saying your name correctly when the time comes–
You are made of awesome!!! Hair product and makeup info please. You look hawt woman! Oh and all that publishing stuff was pretty cool too. 😉
Great interview! And your thoughts on why so many writers want to be traditionally published are right on.
That was a very informative interivew, Rachelle. Your passion shone through.
This was a great interview! You have a very neat site here!
Mike’s esteem for you is evident, Rachelle. (And, if I might add, VERY well deserved! 😀 )
Great interview! And what you said about a writer wanting the validation that accompanies traditional publishing is spot on.
Nice interview, Rachelle. Clear, direct and informative. I’m reposting the link on my Facebook for all those who ask me questions about writing & publishing.
Great interview. I now subscribe to your blog and just “liked” your facebook page (I already followed you on twitter). I’m grateful you are so generous with advice for debut novelists. Very interesting juxtaposition for me: I am an architectural designer, a home builder and multiple business owner so I am entrepreneurial – all of which supports the case for self-publishing (loved your home building analogy but I was answering yes to all the questions). At the same time, everything you said about wanting the validation of an agent and a traditional publishing house for my fiction writing is absolutely true. My book is not ready to be shopped (I’m a habitual editor/revisionist) but when it is, I will have to stare down these issues. Thanks again for such a great interview.
Awesome, Rachelle — I’m heading over there now!
What an excellent interview!! I, too, will directed others to both your site and Michael’s. Many writers will appreciate your comments about the difference between wanting to write and entering into the publishing business with your books. I also loved how you emphasized the importance of crafting a book proposal. Thanks, Rachelle and Michael!
Rachelle I subscribed to yours and Michael’s blogs several months ago and read them every day, frequently saving the posts for future reference. I love to see the live interviews – you both look so calm doing that! 🙂 I have a link to both of your blogs on mine and hope that will encourage people to check them out. Thanks for a great interview. I’m always learning something.