Secrets to Selling Your Stuff
I’m teaching a webinar this coming Thursday at 1pm Eastern, all about queries, elevator pitches, taglines and all the ways you sell your work to agents and editors.
There are some simple strategies to make sure you’re presenting your work in the best light. Learn what they are!
The webinar is both audio and visual (PowerPoint) and even if you can’t attend live, you can still access it online for a full year afterwards.
As part of your registration, you will receive a “quick critique” of a query letter, elevator pitch or tagline. You can send it via email after the webinar and I’ll give you my impression of whether you’re ready for primetime or need more work.
As a special bonus, we will randomly draw five names from amongst the webinar attendees to receive a 20-minute phone call with me. If you win this, you’ll be able to use that time to pitch your project and get feedback, or ask any questions about the publishing process.
This is an intensive webinar for writers of fiction and memoir.
What you’ll learn:
→ How to draw an agent into your story in just a few words—whether it’s your query, verbal pitch or the first page of your manuscript.
→ What goes into a killer query—from making a connection to an agent, to drafting an exciting pitch that will leave agents wanting more.
→ The importance of a one-sentence tagline that gets a reader excited about your book.
→ What agents look for on that all-important Page 1.
→ How to plan and prepare a verbal pitch of your book so you can meet with agents at writers conferences.
→ What goes into a complete proposal for fiction—and how to know all the tools at your disposal.
→ How agents and editors quickly look over a project and decide if it has the necessary elements to make them request more.
Who should attend?
→ Fiction writers.
→ Memoir writers.
→ Writers who have been rejected and are looking to evaluate and refine their idea, writing or hook to make a project more attractive.
→ Writers who are about to start the query process or about to attend a conference.
Read about the webinar on the Guide to Literary Agents blog here.
Register for the webinar here.
Hope to talk to you this Thursday!
Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent
>I'm glad to see this webinar is available for a full year, however when I click on the link it takes me to Writer's Digest and states "Page Not Found." Can you post the link for accessing the webinar? Thank you.
>Well I did it. I signed-up! Really looking forward to the webinar. Will be a little late joining in, my talk radio show at ends the same time the webinar starts. But knowing I can access it afterwards helps. And even more so since I am joining in from Roatan, Honduras. My internet connection might be in a tropical Island mood and go for a siesta during the session.
>I'm registered! I missed the last one you offered, so I'm really excited about this one. I will be at work on Thursday when it takes place, so thanks for making the archive available! And I'm excited to get a query critique, too! Thank you so much. 🙂
>Sounds terrific.
Can we be working on a non-fiction project?
I still need a great query that will grab someone by the throat…
I think that's what you mentioned..
I hope so
>Thanks for this! What a great opportunity to learn.
>I have an uplifting, inspiring memoir to share with the world!
I'm seeking an agent.
– Jeff Emmerson
>very cool. will check it out…
>This is a great opportunity for us. Thanks, Rachelle. I love the fact that we don't have to be available at the moment you are giving the webinar… a lifesaver for busy writers.
>Ack! Maybe I can find the money somewhere — I would love this opportunity. It sounds amazing! *scrimping writer girl being screwed over by the 10-18% unemployment rate*
>Already signed up. This sounds invaluable. And a 20 minute phone call? I hope you randomly draw me! Now that my nerves are gone I have tons of things to ask you. *Off to do some serious shopping* Have a great weekend Rachelle!
>This sounds like a terrific opportunity. Thanks for posting the info. (And Creepy Query Girl, 'webinar' is a combo of web and seminar.)
>sounds like a really great resource for us aspiring writers! Thanks for the heads up. Where does the name 'webinar' come from? I read it wrong at first- like 'wenibar' and made me think of something between a minibar and the web…ya, i know.